A badly damaged or infected tooth can be repaired and saved through a procedure called Root canal treatment. Like earlier days root canal procedure is not painful anymore, it starts with administration of local anaesthesia, removal of damaged or infected tooth structure followed by disinfection , proper cleaning , sealing of tooth roots with a permanent filling followed by a crown.

If a tooth cavity / chip/ crack is not treated in time we might experience severe sensitivity , pain, swelling. In severe cases swelling may be associated with pus discharge. We at PARIMI’S dental care are very well trained and qualified to provide best Root canal procedures which can be done in single sitting and completely painless, even Re-Root canal procedure where the failure of a normal root canal treated tooth can also be saved .

PARIMI’S dental care is well equipped with the advanced technologies and a Dental Microscope which helps in deep invasive procedures like removal of broken instruments within the tooth and eliminating the minor defects which cannot be noticed with a naked eye.

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